
Exploring the future of creative learning

Fixperts promotes skills and values which are critical to the future of education, the future of work and young people’s well-being. We’re not alone. Here you can access research, news and contributions from the network of like-minded educators.

Teaching Fixperts

Tutors adapt the Fixperts framework to their different settings. In this section you can find notes and reflections on what they did, what worked and what issues they experienced.

All Insights

Fixing STEM Competitions… 

Fixing STEM Competitions... We used to think we should have our own Fixperts Schools Competition, but we're increasingly thinking we should just infiltrate all the other schools competitions out there, bringing them some Fixperts social design love [...]

July 16th, 2019|All, Open Call, School|

Talking about a revolution

As anyone who gets our newsletter will know we've been stewing on big questions, and coming to some difficult conclusions. This has involved saying some things out loud which previously we kept among ourselves about the state [...]

June 27th, 2019|Opinion|

Fixing television – one to watch?

Fixing television approaches a genre.. We like to think we inspired Big Life Fix (not necessarily a total fantasy!), and seeing this not dissimilar format on Belgian TV makes us think fixing programmes might just be approaching genre status. [...]

March 30th, 2019|All, Other|

Design meets life

Design meets life Healthcare is a rich territory for user- /human- centred and inclusive design, and new ideas of open design and DIY design; the collision of human need and systems, emotion and technology is unparalleled. Our list is [...]

October 21st, 2018|All|

MPavilion opens in Melbourne

MPavilion opens in Melbourne This month the MPavilion, an 'innovative civic space and cultural laboratory for the community to engage and share' opens in Melbourne, kicking off a four-month programme of events from over 500 collaborators. There'll [...]

October 20th, 2018|All|

Banging the drum for creative education

Banging the drum for creative education We're always interested in what Bill Lucas at the Centre for Real World Learning is up to; his long term, evidence-based, explorations of the value of creative education bring a welcome even-handedness across arts and [...]

October 18th, 2018|All|

STEM undergraduate awards

STEM undergraduate awards So the XPrize this is not, concerned as it is with themes of Defense, Robots and Automotive, but maybe that's all the more reason to bring a bit of prosocial design thinking to The Telegraph STEM Awards. Open [...]

October 18th, 2018|All|

Building spaces to build the future

Building spaces to build the future Recently we've been asked about how to plan spaces for making, in schools, in community spaces and in civic spaces. We think this can start in a classroom, and that vision and [...]

September 25th, 2018|All|

Design skills – not just for designers?

Design skills - not just for designers? We do love a good statistic and the Design Council are masters. From design skills contributing £209bn to the UK economy to people using design skills being 47% more productive, their recent [...]

July 27th, 2018|All|

‘Design students lack workplace skills’

'Design students lack workplace skills' Creative agency Michon’s Designing the Future report has been released, finding that graduates lack management skills, universities aren't preparing students enough and designers should step in and share their insights. An interesting read, though some of [...]

June 4th, 2018|All|

Technology for good

Technology for good We like a balanced argument, so, exhausted by talk about how advances in technology are replacing jobs and becoming a threat to our society as we know it, we keep an eye out for examples [...]

June 4th, 2018|All|

Prototypes influencing SDGs

Prototypes influencing SDGs The 17 Sustainable Development Goals target poverty, gender equality and climate action by 2030... things we should all be able to sign up to. Steps Centre explores an interesting angle and discusses how smaller, potentially more [...]

June 4th, 2018|All|

Inclusive fashion design – bring it on!

Inclusive fashion design – bring it on! 'One size fits all' was the promise of mass-manufacturing, once bringing financially accessible products to the masses. Times have changed, expectations have changed and now, new manufacturing technologies mean its a [...]

June 4th, 2018|All|

UTCs – back from the dead?

UTCs - back from the dead? University Technical Colleges had been declared a failed experiment. But now The National Foundation for Educational Research have released a report saying 'project-based learning and employer involvement has helped to create [...]

February 6th, 2018|Opinion, Other|

Newsletter: December

We're up and running! FixEd is the think-and-do tank concerned with inspiring and equipping creative, ingenious and generous problem solvers around the world (especially, though not exclusively, Fixperts). It's already two months since our launch and all our long-requested [...]

December 18th, 2017|Uncategorized|

Think piece: Who owns a ‘fix’?

In this blog I want to explore two interrelated themes in the Fixperts story thus far: ownership of the ‘fixes’ (the outcomes of the collaborations), and their potential wider applicability beyond the collaboration through which they were generated. These [...]

January 31st, 2017|Opinion|

Schools perspective: Falinge Park School

The Fixperts workshop gave family members and students the opportunity to research, design and make solutions to genuine problems. The aim was to let the students be creative and use their own problem solving skills to explore their capabilities [...]

January 31st, 2016|School|


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