Shortlist announced for the Royal College of Art Helen Hamlyn Fixperts Awards 2023.
The Helen Hamlyn Center for Design Fixperts Award jury had a tough task this year. As champions of human-centred design and inclusivity they had to choose winners from a substantially impressive cohort. Entries of Fixperts projects from undergraduate courses around the world included from universities in Chile, Ireland, Israel, Japan, Turkey and the UK.
We are delighted to share the shortlist of entries below. The RCA judges who reviewed the shortlist, were in search of project that show ingenuity, empathy and innovation with a strong focus on independence, health, and social benefit.
Congratulations and thank you to all of the projects who entered and a special acknowledgement to those who made the shortlist.
Explore the films below and check out the winners announced during during this years London Design Festival at the Helen Hamlyn Design Awards Ceremony, held at the prestigious RCA, Battersea Campus in London.

Arm Brace for James
Fix Partner James plays badminton for the GB Para-olympics team and has limited movement in his left arm after an accident in his 20s. Working in consolation with James the Fixperts from Brunel University London create a strap for his arm which will securely hold it in place.
Fixperts: Jordan Young, George Binnie, Leon Hollister, Nathan Hall, Almer Khan and Marcus Radosevic
Fix Partner: James
Fixperts Tutor: Mike Kann
Education Institute: Brunel University London
Country: England
Cleaner Gloves for Mrs. Paula
Fix Partner Mrs. Paula is 81 years old and loves to clean her house, however the arthritis in her hands can be painful which makes it difficult to do certain tasks. Fixperts from Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Azcapotzalco in Mexico work with her to create a pair of gloves which are comfortable to wear whilst she cleans.
Fixperts: Según Artista
Fix Partner: Mrs. Paula
Education Institute: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Azcapotzalco
Country: Mexico
Cutting Board for Clive
Fixperts from Ravensbourne University work with their Fix Partner, Clive, who had a stroke which affects the left side of his body. They use their creative skills to design and fabricate a chopping board which makes preparing food easier for Clive.
Fixperts: Josh Curtis and Kristian Owen
Fix Partner: Clive Mellor
Fixperts Tutor: Nadine Bennett
Education Institute: Ravensbourne University London
Country: England
Door Opener for Fumiya
The team of Fixperts from Hosei University work with their Fix Partner, Fumiya, to create a device which allows him to grip and open the door handle.
Fixperts: Haruto Kawai, Renjie Jiang, Tomohiro Fujita, Haruki Kishi
Fix Partner: Fumiya Kishi
Fixperts Tutors: Shin Azumi, Hidehiko Miura, Jyunpei Umekawa and Hiroaki Oba
Education Institute: Hosei University
Country: Japan
Fire Extinguisher Trolley
Fixperts from Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Azcapotzalco in Mexico works with Fix Partner Martin to create a trolley to safely transport his fire extinguisher.
Fixperts: Sofia Izquierdo Camacho
Fix Partner: Martin Izquierdo Embarcadero
Education Institute: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Azcapotzalco
Country: Mexico
FixSelf – Therapeutic Exercise Sling
Ella is an Industrial Design student at Holon Institute of Technology in Israel and is both the Fixperts and Fix Partner in her project. Ella has muscular dystrophy which manifests in her upper limbs and her ambition is to strengthen her arms and back through physical activities. During the coronavirus pandemic physiotherapy centres are closed which makes accessing equipment difficult. Ella creates a therapeutic exercise sling which she can use at home or in the outdoor gym.
Fixperts and Fix Partner: Ella Mor Asoolin
Fixperts Tutors: Prof. Gad Charny and Dana Yichye Shwachman
Education Institute: Holon Institute of Technology
Country: Israel
Glove Device for Jo
Fix Partner, Jo, runs a cleaning company that specialises in GP surgeries. She has to change her PPE each time she enter a new ward, but replacing the plastic gloves can often be challenging. Jo works with thew Fixperts at the University of Brighton to find a solution.
Fixperts: Adam Boult, Cleo Morgan and Anwen Parnis
Fix Partner: Joanna Williams
Fixperts Tutors: James Tooze, Catherine Grundy and Gemma Matthias
Education Institute: University of Brighton
Country: England
Key Gripper for Chloe
Fix Partner Chloe has difficulty turning keys due to nerve damage causing muscle deterioration in her hand. Through research, prototyping and testing the Fixperts at NCAD in Ireland created a solution.
Fixperts: John and Tom
Fix Partner: Chloe
Fixperts Tutors: Derek and Donal
Education Institute: National College of Art and Design (NCAD)
Country: Ireland
Kitchen Fridge Opening Aid for Lara
A team of Fixperts from Loughborough University worked with their Fix Partner Lara, who has rheumatoid arthritis, to co-design a kitchen aid that would allow her to open her fridge with ease.
Fixperts: Aaron Hoppe, Nat Arnold and Sara Singh
Fix Partner: Lara
Education Institute: Loughborough University
Country: England
Physiotherapy Climbing Maze
Fixperts Itai and Kama are Industrial Design students from Holon Institute of Technology in Israel. They work with Loewenstein Rehabilitation Hospital to create a device which enables physiotherapy whilst gaming – keeping the patients motivated.
Fixperts: Itai Miller and Kama Zigelman
Fix Partner: Loewenstein Rehabilitation Hospital
Fixperts Tutors: Prof. Gad Charny and Dana Yichye Shwachman
Education Institute: Holon Institute of Technology (HIT )
Country: Israel
Ring for Renee
Edward Howe and Kevin Cosgrave work together to help Fix Partner Renee, who has arthritis in her hands, interact with her phones keyboard.
Fixperts: Edward Howe and Kevin Cosgrave
Fix Partner: Renee
Education Institute: University of Limerick
Country: Ireland
Shoehorn for Toshihide
Fix Partner Tosihide finds it difficult to move his left foot after a fall in the past. Fixperts from Hosei University worked with him to create a shoehorn to make removing and putting shoes on more comfortable.
Fixperts: Ryo Isozaki, Yohei Kamimura and Masaki Takesue
Fix Partner: Tosihide Kamimura
Fixperts Tutors: Shin Azumi, Hidehiko Miura, Jyunpei Umekawa and Hiroaki Oba
Education Institute: Hosei University
Country: Japan