Fixperts – learning to solve problems

Fixperts is a learning programme that challenges young people to use their imagination and skills to create ingenious solutions to everyday problems for a real person. In the process they develop a host of valuable transferable skills from prototyping to collaboration.

Fixperts offers a range of teaching formats to suit schools and universities, from hour-long workshops, to a term-long project, relevant to any creative design, engineering and STEM/STEAM studies.

Got 2 minutes? Watch our intro film

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We offer free resources to run a one off project at your school or university or a range of packages to develop Fixperts in your institution.

Fixperts offers a range of teaching resources through 6 stages.

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Fixperts teacher training

What is Fixperts?

Fixperts is a simple framework for teaching a human-centred design process in schools and universities. We provide teaching resources and training to enable educators worldwide to take advantage of its compelling nature.

  • Run in 30+ universities worldwide

  • Central to a Level 1/2 STEM Technical Award in English schools

  • Aligned with Design & Technology curriculum at Key Stages 3 and 4 in English schools (ages 12-16). Download our ‘Fixperts for…’ guide to see how Fixperts links to D&T, STEM, Science, Maker Mindset and Life Skills.

  • Winner of the international Blueprint Award for Design 2016

  • Rich archive of 400+ Fixperts films viewed over 500,000 times

  • Free basic materials

  • Structured as a non-profit organisation

Why is Fixperts popular?

Fixperts appeals to anyone who is looking for purpose and meaning in the application of their creativity and skills – that means most people!

Educators like Fixperts because it’s:

  • Open/free

  • Versatile: flexible and scalable

  • Proven

  • Connected

Learners like Fixperts because it’s:

  • Engaging

  • Applied

  • Shareable

  • Collaborative

We have been developing our Fixperts programme in schools since 2016. A Fixperts project offers students the opportunity to engage with problems taken from the world around them and work in teams to research and develop solutions, sketch out ideas, model prototypes, and make a final product.

Fixperts integrates design & technology, engineering thinking and practical making skills and allows students to develop their creative skills through hands on model making whilst learning to improve their ideas through feedback. Most importantly students develop their creative problem solving skills through identifying, analysing and experiencing real problems seen in the world.

“An inspiring and practical session. The workshop helped me re-evaluate how I teach the design process and I will definitely be using Fixperts’ techniques with all age groups.”

Teacher, Bradley Stoke Community School, Bristol

“…a compelling learning experience. They ALL wanted to improve on their work the next day.”

Teacher, King's College School, Wimbledon

“It was fun and creative and great to be able to think for ourselves and work in teams”

Student, Falinge Park High School, Rochdale

Over 25 universities around the world run Fixperts and engage their students by working with real people and real needs. More than half have included it as part of their assessed curriculum.

Fixperts has worked with universities all over the world to instil the next generation of makers with the desire and tools to design for social good.

A Fixperts project asks students to explore the world outside of their classroom walls in order to find people with problems worth fixing. Using their ingenious design, prototyping and making skills, they create solutions that make everyday life a little better for their Fix Partners.

“The engagement with Fixperts has provided a valuable learning experience and a platform to achieve a meaningful social contribution within a local context.”

Design Tutor

“The eye-level communication with the user is really valuable. You learn a lot about how to communicate with the person you are designing for. This is not so common in other parts of the course.”

Fixperts student

“One of the big things which is good for the students is the international dimension: sharing, getting your things out there. Students getting 20,000 views. This is massive.”

Design Tutor

Anyone with imagination and a basic level of making skills can take up the Fixperts challenge. The guidelines are free and all you have to do is put your team together.

How Fixperts works

Excite creative people with making skills to fix things for others …

Fixperts embark on a process which engages all their creativity and resourcefulness.

… make a film about it …

The process includes making a film that documents the process from start to fixed. 

Download the Fixperts logo to use within your Fix Film!

Then send it to us using this form.

… and inspire others to do the same.

People might become Fixperts themselves, or maybe they’ll be inspired to solve the next problem they find. Download Top Tips for Fixperts Guidelines. 

Got it? Good. Now watch some FixFilms!
